The BEST Alternative to JUUL Pods

May 10, 2019 2 min read

The BEST Alternative to JUUL Pods


 JUUL - it’s the e-cigarette that everyone is talking about, but why do a lot of vapers dislike them. JUULs are everywhere these days and represent 75 percent of dollar market share in the four-week period ended Oct. 6, 2018. Pod-based JUUL e-cigarettes aren’t like larger box mod devices. They are small and discrete and slip easily in your pocket. They’re classy too, and with no buttons, they’re so easy to use that even your grandma – who struggles to operate a smartphone – could use one easily. The JUUL pods don’t make big clouds of vapor and they use nic salts, which gives a nice smooth vape experience, similar to smoking a tobacco cigarette. People also like the fact that you can buy pods in places like gas stations and general stores, rather than just in vape shops. But there are some big issues with the price of JUUL Pods to start with. So let's see what the main issues are and if there any alternatives to JUUL pods.

How expensive is JUUL?

You’d think that JUUL is practically free, given how many people are using the e-cigarette and nicotine pods on a daily basis. It’s not, though: A device cost $34.99 to get started, with a four-pack of nicotine pods going for $15.99. A recent survey of 1,000 people conducted by LendEDU found that JUUL users spend an average of $180 a month. That is A LOT! 

Do you JUUL and want to save money?

Jumbo Pods has fixed those issues mentioned above!

One jumbo pod is 1ml, empty, and designed for use with the JUUL device.  Each pack includes 4 empty pods, ready to be filled with an e-liquid of your choosing.  Each pod can be refilled an average of 3-4 times each, meaning one pack will yield the equivalent of around 4 packs of JUUL pods.  These pods are designed to be easy to refill, and easy to use.  Stop wasting money on JUUL Pods with weak flavors and step your game up!




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Why JUUL is a Waste of Money
Why JUUL is a Waste of Money

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